Diversifi Exchange Review 2021 : Starkware Integration – ZKP Privacy

What is Diversifi exchange?

Diversifi exchange, which sounds close to Diversify, is the newest decentralized exchange in town.  It is one of the best and the fastest decentralized exchange that allows traders to execute a number of orders directly from the security of various private wallets.

As an Ethfinex evolution, the team still make efforts to ensure that they include everything they learnt from the community-driven Ethfinex DEX to achieve a full decentralization. As a result, this exchange now operates in a fully distributed ecosystem.

This ecosystem features new designs, wallet integrations as well as user interfaces.  Keep in mind that this exchange’s evolution was because of the community feedback.


History of Bitfinex and EthFinex

History of Bitfinex

Did you know that Bitfinex is the world’s largest as well as most advanced digital asset and cryptocurrency exchange?  It is best known as a go-to exchange for BTCUSD trading.  It captures more than 20% of the total trading volume as it also provides liquidity in various markets.

Bitfinex became popular due to its peer-to-peer financing facilities that maintain liquidity. It is innovative as well as value enhanced its approach towards financed trading thus minimizing volatility.

Unfortunately, in August 2nd 2016, the exchange suffered a serious security breach.  It lost more than 119756 Bitcoins from various accounts. This raised many doubts as far as centralized exchange is concerned.



Bittfinex gives birth to Ethfinex, a customer-centric as well as liquid digital assets exchange platform.  It is a hybrid community as well as information hub designed to improve discussion, development as well as trading in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Its users enjoy ETH coin as well as tokenized ERC-20 assets on Diversifi Ethereum. The main reason behind the tokens is too often the community as well as the significant development they contribute.  Ethereum growth has dispersed the community with credible information that is not easy to analyses or track.

In turn, Ethfinex offers a new community hub for the tokens, which will enhance learning as well as analyzing of the data as it, allows an access to a liquid trading platform for ERC20 tokens.


Diversifi Exchange Partners

Diversifi exchange has a few notable Crypto heavyweight partners

  • WBTC
  • Bitfinex
  • Ledger


Diversifi 2.0 Ethereum Decentralized Exchange (DEX)

Diversifi 2.0 is one of the exchanges that provides a complete decentralized trading experience. Users will enjoy a number of decentralized products such as an advanced DEX, over-the-counter trading desk, powerful API for the third party integration as well as margin trading and lending to mention but a few.

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It will also provide a number of benefits as stated below:

  • Fast order matching for a smooth trading experience
  • No sign up as well as registration required
  • Real-time order management to ensure fast as well as efficient trading
  • Trading directly from your personal wallet such as Ledger, Portis and Metamask to mention but a few.
  • Enjoy more than 30 liquid markets with the best liquidity within a decentralized exchange ecosystem.

It is worth mentioning that DiversiFi 2.0 DEX will be able to process more than 9000 transactions per second.  It will achieve this using a ‘batching mechanism’. As a non-custodial trading platform, DiversiFi only targets high-frequency traders. Its new integration makes it possible for users to capitalize on arbitrage as well as real-time orders.


Diversifi Starkware Integration – 9000 Transactions per second (TPS)

Did you know that DiversiFi 2.0 exchange alongside their StarkWare integration makes it a popular exchange for serious traders?  This integration now enables it to process more than 9000 transactions per second.  This is 750 times Ethereum’s current throughput of 12TPS.

This makes it the best exchange for high-frequency traders who want to capitalize on arbitrage as well as real-time orders.


What is StarkWare?

StarkWare is the popular company behind the Zero Knowledge STARKS (zkSTARKS).  This type of cryptographic proofs enables thousands of transactions to be rolled up in a single batch of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain by maintaining privacy through proofs that provide zero knowledge about the user.


Diversifi Data Availability Committee (DAC)

The Data Availability Committee is a group of trusted entities holding customer balance off-chan. They sign the commitments that update the blockchain state.  This allows customers to withdraw their funds in case Defi and StarkWare both go offline.  This is a vital part of the StarkWare technology V1 system as it ensures that traders can trade privately without looking at their transaction history.


Diversifi Privacy – Zero Knowledge Proofs

In the zero knowledge proof (ZKP), we have the prover P, as well as a verifier V.   For instance, if P has a statement x and launches a complaint to V that x is for a certain language R, P sends a proof pi to V.  In turn, V will make a decision whether to accept or not.

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Properties of ZKP

  • Completeness
  • Zero knowledge
  • Soundness

In a real application, we will have an interactive zero knowledge proof.  Keep in mind that P and V may not be online at the same time.  That is where the zero knowledge proof comes in as a non-interactive.  This allows P to send a proof to V and enable V to make a sound decision. This is what we refer to as a non-interactive zero knowledge proof (NIZK).


Diversifi Aggregated Liquidity

Did you know that Diversifi aggregates liquidity from both centralized as well as self-custodial sources?  This allows you to capitalize on low slippage, best prices as well as a tight bid offer.


Reliable Withdrawals With Diversifi

Do you know what is the right time to sell your Crypto? If yes, once you sell your crypto, you can freely withdraw it from your Diversifi wallet. Within Defi ecosystem, you will make use of a second-by-second countdown timer that lets you know where all your transactions will be processed. This also lets you know when your withdrawals are ready for transfer thus allowing you to factor it in your trading strategies.


What Wallets Can I Use to Connect To DiversiFi?

It is worth mentioning that DeversiFi now supports Ledger, MetaMask as well as keystore for trading through the UI. It is advisable that you back up your seed phrases as well as private keys when using the self-custodial wallets.  Traders who want to interact with this platform through API will use libraries that have signing functions as well as wrappers.


Pros and Cons of Diversifi


  1. No Sign-Up or Registration Required
  2. Trade Directly From Your Favorite Wallet
  3. Lightning Fast Order Matching
  4. Highly Liquid Markets
  5. Real-Time Order Management
  6. Fully decentralized – Research shows decentralization is crucial to Crypto networks


  • Lack of proper understanding of this platform may cause money losses.


What Is Nectar Token ($NEC) For Diversifi?

Nectar ($NEC) is a deflationary governance as well as utility token that serves within the DiversiFi exchange.  Holders of this token enjoy a number of advantages such as voting rights, all services within this platform, adoption, a host of improved features as well as value of $NEC.

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Nectar Circulating Supply

As a user, you will make use of the utility tokens to complete all the smart contracts within this ecosystem. The circulating supply now stands at 158,325,932.


Total supply

$NEC has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 which will be allocated to all the areas required and the rest will be preserved.


Nectar Governance

Token holders will also have an advantage to access free advice on governance of the token as well as all the related aspects regarding this platform.  Governance mechanism will focus on the implementation of the token.  The platform will only test on the liquidity incentivisation mechanism after receiving the feedback in real markets.  The platform’s governance will give room for any improvements.  This governance model will also allow token holders or a group of smaller token holders to elect their representative to the advisory board.


Diversifi OTC Trading

It is worth mentioning that DiversiFi crypto will lower cost as well as all the barriers to entry for OTC trading. In turn, they will offer it to their clients on the decentralized exchange infrastructure.  The OTC traders will enjoy low costs for all the standard ERC-20 tokens.

Diversifi Exchange Review

Takeaways – Diversify exchange review

  1. Starkware integration addresses key issues of scalability without looking into the traditional sacrifices of liquidity, settlement, fees and speed.
  2. The Nectar deflationary ad utility token will be used as a medium of exchange within the ecosystem thus allowing holders to access all the services.
  3. DeversiFi now supports Ledger, MetaMask as well as keystore for trading through the UI
  4. Deversifi is the newest and the fastest decentralized exchange

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