High Frequency Bitcoin Trading Guide : 4 Simple Pros And Cons

In the past few years, high frequency bitcoin trading has become extremely popular. Market trades execute in a split second or in micro seconds front running other normal trades. Do you want to know how to trade the same way? Before you learn about high frequency crypto trading, you need to learn how to build a crypto bot.

Once you are clear how bots work, it is the larger scale version of the bot that evolves into high frequency crypto trading. Most businesses are adopting the process to keep a check with the volatility of the market. The competitive advantage makes sure their trades are not taken advantage of.

One of the most incredible things everyone is concerned about is if the influx will hit the crypto market any time soon. Hence, HFT is taking over the market.

High Frequency Bitcoin Trading
High Frequency Bitcoin Trading


What is high frequency trading in cryptocurrency markets?

High frequency trading is one of the most prominent trading methods that follow a comprehensive algorithm to extract many orders within a fraction of seconds. High frequency trading has always formed an essential part of the cryptocurrency market. However, it wasn’t that popular. Gradually, more and more billionaires invest in the high frequency trading market and all for their own benefits.

There’s no denial in the fact that high frequency trading is taking over the cryptocurrency market. If large investors enter the crypto market, the percentage of crypto will go up too. HFT, as per the traditional market, brings in the method of high demand and trust in regular assets. One of the main reasons why crypto isn’t growing enough is because there isn’t much investment.

Crypto trading has always been popular among individual investors. On the other hand, many investors prefer using trading bots to keep up with the crypto market.


What is colocation? How does it help trade crypto faster?

Colocation refers to the process of placing several or different entities in one single location. It is the data center that can be rented by companies. The companies further rent space, equipment, and bandwidth with computing services to meet the business’s requirements. This is mostly beneficial for retail customers.

Colocation is often referred to as Colo. Many colocation services have given in to offer exchange services to meet business initiatives and maintain the capital expenditures.

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For high frequency bitcoin trading, the investors follow the process of colocation. These high frequency traders rush for a nanosecond. For every trading platform, speed has an important role to play.

With the help of data being stored in a single place, colocation ensures that orders are executed within nanoseconds for high frequency bitcoin trading. It ensures faster execution and closing. The high frequency traders make the most of colocation to gain benefit over exchanges and servers.


What is Crypto market making?

The main aim of market making is to make a health marketing environment for buyers and sellers to place limited orders in an exchange. Market makers are concerned mostly with turnovers.

The marketing making agencies in the crypto market are significantly less because they are not a very developed industry. The high frequency bitcoin trading market is a decentralized system, so the prices may vary significantly across different platforms. The differences are easily observed across small and medium exchanges.

Without the market-making strategies, the cryptocurrency prices will significantly differ. However, the difference in prices will lead to consequent problems with companies trading bitcoins for either too cheap or for buying too many of them.


What is high frequency arbitrage trading?

The high frequency arbitrage trading refers to finding out financial imbalances across the different markets and making attempts to profit from those. Comparatively, arbitrage opportunities are short, so the high frequency bitcoin trading investors need to be fast with it.

Forex prices differ at a significant rate, which is why it is necessary to consider these properly. The price differences may not last long, but your competitors keep a check with it. Hence, you must be fast in acting.

With high-frequency arbitrage trading, one may make small profits, so one needs to analyze the transaction costs thoroughly. Furthermore, it is a very fast process, so it is essential to choose a fast infrastructure or platform.


What is bitcoin high frequency pinging?

High-frequency pinging refers to the process of entering the market, usually for small orders, often 100 shares, mostly to analyze the hidden orders of large exchanges. In the high frequency bitcoin trading concept, pinging often refers to finding the hidden orders.

High-frequency pinging can also be considered to be baiting by influential market players. This process aims to draw attention or pull out the big institutions from the trap and reveal their actual number of orders.

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What is bitcoin news based high frequency trading?

The high frequency traders use the locational and technological benefits to analyze the news with algorithms’ help. These traders often make sure to colocate computers across the nearby services and eventually receive the news first.

With the help of algorithms, the traders analyze whether the market will be positive or negative. Furthermore, depending on the analysis of the market, they place the orders.


Advantages of high frequency bitcoin trading

As suggested earlier, high frequency bitcoin trading has become extremely popular in the past few years. More and more investors prefer to invest in high frequency bitcoin trading because of the benefits it offers.

One of the main reasons why investors prefer high frequency bitcoin trading is the speed. No manual calculations can act as fast as a series of algorithms in the black boxes for the fluctuating market conditions. This is mostly valid if there is a trade exchange.

Most businesses use trading bots to trade at a faster speed. The high frequency trading software is one of the most important tools that will help you stay ahead of your competitors. This software can act efficiently in a fraction of seconds. This ensures that the order is executed in milli or microseconds. Hence, even in the smallest fluctuation of the market, one can make easy and large profits.

Owing to the algorithms, one can get easy arbitraging and market-making opportunities in the long run. Not only does high frequency trading increase competition, but also helps to maintain the price across different platforms.


Disadvantages of high frequency bitcoin trading

High frequency bitcoin trading has brought a global shift in the trading market. It replaces the human trade figure, which eventually is harmful to individual traders for their career.

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Furthermore, the risk of automation is pretty harmful. There is a significant shock in the global market. People are not able to front run the HFT trades. And, they are now thinking how to overcome this issue.

Several businesses have suffered global crashes below the regular levels. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was also the victim to the second-biggest intraday point drop, with the algorithms leading to a significant drop in the sell off level. The crisis was so severe that within 10 minutes, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell below 1000 points.

Several such traders have been victims of the problems of high frequency bitcoin trading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average crisis experiences the biggest crisis or drop in history. On a bad day with Crypto high frequency trading, Many trades execute at weird levels. It may go down as low as a penny, while some trades are executed at extremely high rates, such as that of $100,000.


What companies offer high frequency bitcoin trading?

Several companies have now started to invest in high frequency bitcoin trading. DRW, a Chicago-based proprietary trading firm, through its subsidiary, Cumberland Mining, is one of the largest firms to invest or buy and sell bitcoins. Other companies to have invested in high frequency bitcoin trading include DV Trading, Jump Tracing, and Hehmeyer Trading.

The entry of so many companies in the high frequency bitcoin trading market brings about volatility in the market.

High Frequency Bitcoin Trading


Takeaway – High Frequency Bitcoin Trading

Speed and algorithms have played an essential role in increasing the accuracy of winning trades in high frequency bitcoin trading market. In the past few years, HFT has become very popular and has brought about a lot of benefits to the trading firms.

12 thoughts on “High Frequency Bitcoin Trading Guide : 4 Simple Pros And Cons”

  1. Thanks for educating me. Are you currently using HFT for your bitcoin trading?

    • Yes, I’m working to get my setup done, now that the Crypto bull phase officially started.

  2. Excellent blog here! Also your website loads up fast!
    I wish my site loaded up as fast as yours lol

  3. Thanks for this timely article when Bitcoin is booming back to its all time high. It is very important to have a high frequency trading set up to front run trades.

    • I’m glad that you understand “Every micro second matters” in highly volatile crypto trading. So, learning how to utilize high frequency bitcoins trading is the best way to go!

  4. HFT Bitcoin guide is the most complete guide I’ve ever read. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for helping me understand various technical aspect of trading HFT in Cryptocurrencies

    • Yes, let’s upgrade ourselves with High frequency trading knowledge and not leave everything to the 1%

  6. I’d like to first trade bitcoin and then learn about HFT in Crypto


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